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2020 | 14 | 58-76

Article title

Organizational principles of formation of the border security monitoring system of Ukraine in the context of European integration



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The current period of development of Ukraine is characterized by the intensification of European integration processes, among which ensuring the adaptation of the national border security system to the European standards takes an important place. The mechanism of implementation of the border policy implementation to ensure the border security of the European Union is the European integrated border management, the complex basis of which is the European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR). For the successful European integration of Ukraine, it is important to take into account the European experience of formation, functioning, and prospects for the development of European integrated border management. Planning of preventive strategic steps, which in the future will ensure a successful integration of Ukraine’s border security system and its state border into similar components of the European Union, should be included in the content of all thematic strategic documents (legislation, concepts, strategies, programs, plans, etc.).






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