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2022 | 20 | 99-108

Article title

Local democracy: theoretical and legal characteristics


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The article presents a theoretical and legal analysis of local democracy. The top place in democratic transformations in local democracy; is an effective system of local self-government that is impossible without working mechanisms to implement legislation in the field of local democracy at both national and local levels. The author points out that the importance of local democracy is determined by its essence and role. After all, the local level is the closest to the population, needs, and problems. The creation of appropriate living conditions should be determined locally. It is determined that the term «local area» means a reasonably extensive range of phenomena and processes. In defining this term in scientific doctrine, emphasis is placed on a particular phenomenon or process. The predominance of local democracy is understood as a national model of democracy, as the participation of citizens in governance, as a form of self-organization of citizens and as a democratic system at the municipal level. Based on the analysis of scientific points of view, conclusions are made about the peculiarities of local democracy. The main characteristics of local democracy are an organization of the life of the territorial community on the principles of equality, participation, public dialogue; involvement of citizens in community affairs, dissemination of practices of local initiatives, referendums; self-organization of the population. The local democracy is the development of the people, the broad involvement of local people in participation in matters of meaning. Effective local democracy is a prerequisite for sustainable and equitable economic and social development, good governance, and the promotion of democratic values. The proper functioning of democratic institutions and processes at the local level is a determining and vital factor. Active citizenship at the local level lays the foundation for a stable and robust democracy at the national level because the policy at the national level uses practices and methods at the local level. In contrast, experience at the local level is the basis for national policy and reform.






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