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2023 | 25 | 23-46

Article title

Impact of eurointegration on the transformation of the political-legal system of Ukraine in the field of nuclear safety


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This article deals with the most pressing issues in the modern political-legal and security information agenda. The active hostilities on the territory of Ukraine have placed the world, and in particular the European Union, under the threat of a new artificial nuclear catastrophe, which could be provoked by the provocative actions of the Russian army at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Considering the relevance of the issue, the object of study is the political and legal system of Ukraine in the context of nuclear safety, which has undergone significant changes under the influence of European integration. For comprehensive coverage of the issue, the study examines the evolution of nuclear safety both in Ukraine and the European Union. Particular attention is paid to both the development of legislation and the formation of regulatory authorities. An important component of this study is a detailed analysis of the legal framework of both Ukraine and the European Union. Due to this, it was possible to clearly determine the scale of influence of the specific legislative acts. The study confirmed the impact of European integration on the main laws of Ukraine related to nuclear safety and the need to bring Ukrainian nuclear safety regulatory documents into line with the legislation of the European Union. This article deals with the EU supranational regulators such as WENRA and ENSREG have a significant impact on the regulatory and legal framework for nuclear safety. Ukraine made many commitments to improve control and develop its own regulatory body – the State Regulatory Inspectorate, which received significant autonomy under the influence of European initiatives. It should be stated that the influence of European integration as a political process is so profound that it leads to conceptual changes in the legislative and even institutional framework. The conclusions provide a few suggestions for improving the response system to factors such as hostilities, including at the legal level.






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  • H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University


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