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2013 | 32 | 288-298

Article title

Potential of Young Entrepreneurs: Is There any Possibility of Their Development Through Education?


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The practical aim of this research is to propose measures in educational processes that contribute to the development of entrepreneurial potentials. Personal entrepreneurial potentials are researched through the following dimensions: attitudes towards change, autonomy, self-confidence. The results showed that students’ attitudes towards changes are positive verbally and desirable socially. Closer analysis showed that almost half of the respondents avoid uncertain situations. Autonomy, as the second measured dimension, seems to be an unimportant feature of the surveyed students. It is the way of generating income for men, and possibility of showing their potentials for women. The results clearly indicate the need for the development of all the measured dimensions.






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  • University of Novi Sad
  • University of Novi Sad
  • University of Novi Sad
  • University of Novi Sad
  • University of Montenegro


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