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2015 | 40 | 109-118

Article title

Creativity development curve in Slovak pupils at the lower secondary education level: historical-comparative study



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The historical-comparative study presents research findings concerning the development of creativity measured by the KREATOS test in pupils of the 5th to 9th grades at the lower secondary education level (N = 386). The aim was to create the creativity development curve of contemporary pupils in the 5th to 9th grades of elementary school, where pupils achieved the highest level of creativity in the sixth (p ≤ 0.001) and then in the ninth grades. Our aim was to compare the current creativity development curve with elementary school pupils’ creativity development curves of 1979 and 1985, created by E. Sollarová (1979, 1985) using also the KREATOS test. Our findings indicated a significantly higher level of creativity (p ≤ 0.001) in pupils in the years 1979 and 1985 as compared to the creativity level in pupils in 2013.






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