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2018 | 52 | 55-65

Article title

Perceived Parenting Style and Self-Concept of Slovak Pubescent Youth


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The research study focuses on verification of the relationship between individual components of parenting and pubescent self-concept. The aim is also to examine gender differences in perceived parenting and self-concept in pubescent youth. It is a correlation-comparative study with the research sample consisting of 119 pubescent youth aged 11–15. Research tools: the Parenting Style Questionnaire (Čáp & Boschek) and the Piers-Harris Children’s and Adolescents’ Self-Concept Scale 2. Research results allow for stating that perceived parenting significantly correlates with pubescent self-concept. Gender differences in perceived parenting appear only in mothers, in the negative emotional component and in the component of demands, with girls scoring significantly higher. A gender difference in favour of boys can be stated in the overall pubescent self-concept.






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  • Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica
  • Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica


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