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2019 | 55 | 42-53

Article title

Correlation between Students’ English Listening Skills, Vocabulary Skills and Out-of-school Listening Exposure


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The presented study aimed to investigate students’ competence in English listening skills and vocabulary proficiency at elementary school level focusing on the correlation between students’ listening skills, vocabulary proficiency and out-of-school exposure. A total of 123 students of the 9th grade participated in the study. Standardized listening and vocabulary tests were used to assess the students’ listening and vocabulary skills followed by a questionnaire to find out the correlation between the students’ listening skills, vocabulary proficiency and out-of-school exposure. Results show that out-of-classroom exposure to English in audio and audio-visual forms is positively related with levels of English listening skills and vocabulary proficiency whereas there is no indication that playing video-games in any form in English may be related to levels of English listening skills and vocabulary proficiency.






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  • University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


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