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2020 | 60 | 178-190

Article title

Measurement of Lecturer Satisfaction


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The aim of this research is to analyze the extent of lecturers’ satisfaction with regard to the gap between the satisfaction experienced and what is expected. The sample in this study were lecturers at one of a Private Higher Education institution in Bandung, Indonesia. Sampling was done using simple random sampling techniques. This study uses the Focus Group Discussion method. The instrument test uses validity and reliability tests, and the data analysis used in this study is Importance and Performance Analysis. Referring to the results of data processing, it was found that there were 4 out of 27 indicators in Quadrant I where the lecturer felt that the existence of indicators was considered very important, while the level of performance was still not satisfactory. Indicators that are considered not yet optimum are the provision of communication channels between leaders and lecturers, daycare facilities, clean eating places/ food courts, and resources for research that is not yet optimum. The outcomes of this research are considered to give positive feedback and positive feed forward to the Private Higher Education regarding service programs oriented to employees.






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  • Maranatha Christian University
  • Maranatha Christian University
  • Maranatha Christian University


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