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2023 | LXVI | 3-4 | 79-99

Article title

Zapożyczenia w polityce edukacyjnej – szanse, ograniczenia, wyzwania



Title variants

Borrowings in education policy – opportunities, limitations and challenges

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Aim: The purpose of this paper is to review the achievements of comparative pedagogy and educational policies in the field of implementing borrowings. Methods: Methods applicable in the history of education and social sciences were used in the study; the contemporary scientific discourse on borrowings in educational policies was reconstructed. Results: The potential of educational policies which borrow from other countries in order to improve domestic education was assessed; some important contemporary problem areas were indicated and the impact of globalisation was taken into account, i.e the shift from full borrowings toward the adoption of only selected elements, or towards the adoption of the so-called “educational standards” which are promoted by global players. Conclusions: The Philips and Ochs model, already well-established in the practice of borrowings, is in a justified need of reformulation in the light of contemporary changes in educational policies; an approach which will take account of a more comprehensive framework for the course of borrowings in educational policies needs to be developed.







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