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2021 | 42 | 19-33

Article title

Creating a Strategy for Intellectual-innovative Development of the National Economy


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Achieving high competitiveness of Ukraine and ensuring a decent living standard is only possible if a flexible intellectual-innovation strategy development and effective mechanism for its implementation are developed. Today, the definition of strategic goals and objectives of innovative development of Ukraine becomes especially relevant. The innovation model of development should focus on instrumental support for the implementation of the intellectual potential of innovative resident enterprises. The purpose of the article is to define priority directions and improve the strategy of intellectual-innovative development of the national economy, and build an innovative development model for achieving high scientific and technical competitiveness of Ukraine. The structural and logical scheme of the research is determined, the methods of economic research used allowed to sufficiently characterize the strategy of intellectual-innovative development of the national economy on the basis of economic analysis, data comparison, and modeling. The article describes the directions, tasks, and goals of intellectual-innovative development. The dynamics of 2015-2019 scientific-technological and innovative development indicators of the national economy is analyzed. Peculiarities of innovative development and the main restraining factors of regional development are singled out. The analysis of normative-legal acts of scientific-technological and innovative development allowed the authors to single out intellectu-ally innovative vectors of the national economy development. A long-term strategy of intellectual-innovative development of Ukraine is proposed. The innovative model of development of national economy, methods, means, direct and indirect organizational-administrative and financial-credit levers of influence on innovative development of Ukraine are schematically described.






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  • National Aviation University Faculty of Economics and Bussiness-administration, Department of Economics and Business-Technology
  • National Aviation University Faculty of Economics and Bussiness-administration, Department of Economics and Business-Technology


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