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2020 | 27 | 2 | 59-77

Article title

Making cities circular: Experiences from the living lab Hamburg-Altona


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The article argues that to reach circular economy goals urban regions need to identify and understand the challenges and opportunities originating from the differences in spatial settings, and to develop place-based solutions by adequately involving (local) stakeholders. Based on the case study that was conducted in Hamburg within the Horizon2020 project REPAiR, spatial specificities in five different urban areas shall be analysed and strategies that were developed in a co-creative process shall be explored. The results show that the spatial organisation of CE strategies depends on urban structures and stakeholders’ interest and needs to be embedded in the (local) governance setting and a spatial planning system.








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  • HafenCity University Hamburg, Institute of Urban Planning and Regional Development, Henning-Vorscherau-Platz 1, 20457 Hamburg, Germany
  • HafenCity University Hamburg, Institute of Urban Planning and Regional Development, Henning-Vorscherau-Platz 1, 20457 Hamburg, Germany


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