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2018 | 88 | 3 | 77-98

Article title

Struktura substancjalna osoby ludzkiej



Title variants

The substantial structure of a human being

Languages of publication


The statement that a human being is a soul and a body is not sufficient.The way their union comes about in the mutual creation of one human beingis what matters. Moreover, the spiritual substance of a human being hasa different structure than the material substance, yet there is some similarity,indeed something in common. The most difficult issue refers to theexistence of the spiritual element in the body, which unites it with the souland creates the human body out of it. The combination of body and soul, aswell as the human community, has its structure. Individual human beingsand communities are engrafted in the life of the Triune God. The substantialstructure of a human being constitutes the foundation of the social structureand coherent wholeness with the structure of life of the Divine Persons.








Physical description






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Biblioteka Nauki

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