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2019 | 89 | 3 | 85-109

Article title

Działalność misjonarska św. Piotra poza Palestyną w świetle literatury nowotestamentowej


Title variants

Missionary Activities of Saint Peter outside Palestine in the Light of the New Testament Literature

Languages of publication


In this article an attempt is made at answering the question of wherePeter was able to stay and act. It considers the time from when Peter leftJerusalem in the year 42 (Acts 12:17) to his arrival in Rome. The analysisof Galatians 2:11-14 leads to the conclusion that after the Jerusalem Councilhe certainly spent some time in Antioch. It is possible that during his manyyears of travel he reached the northern regions of Asia Minor. We findreminiscence of this in 1 Peter 1:1. Later, on the way to Rome, he probablyvisited Christians in Corinth as can be seen in 1 Corinthians 12:9,5. Thesetexts allow the supposition that, after leaving Jerusalem, Peter became anitinerant apostle, led extensive missionary activity, and, through personalcontacts with Christian communities, obtained great authority among them.








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