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2020 | 18 | 4 | 39-50

Article title

Influence of Coronavirus on Consumer Behaviour in the Ecological Context


Title variants

Influence of Coronavirus on Consumer Behaviour in the Ecological Context
Wpływ koronawirusa na zachowania konsumenckie w kontekście ekologicznym
Influence of Coronavirus on Consumer Behaviour in the Ecological Context

Languages of publication



The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed the world as we know it. People are living differently, buying differently and in many ways, thinking differently. This study takes the lead of research by trying to answer the following research question:  How does the coronavirus impact consumer behaviour in the ecological context? The paper begins with a presentation of the concept of consumer behaviour, its theoretical background and definition, and then discusses the question of the pandemic and its socio – economic effects on the consumer. Next, the paper presents a study on consumer behaviour in the era of the pandemic. Finally, it analyses the impact of consumer behaviour in the era of the pandemic on the environment.
Pandemia COVID-19 istotnie zmieniła świat, jaki znamy. Ludzie żyją inaczej, inaczej kupują i na wiele sposobów, inaczej myślą. Niniejszy artykuł jest początkiem badań, mających na celu znalezienie odpowiedzi na następujące pytanie badawcze: Jak koronawirus wpływa na zachowania konsumenckie w kontekście ekologicznym? Artykuł rozpoczyna się od prezentacji zjawiska zachowań konsumenckich, podstaw teoretycznych i definicji tego zjawiska, omawia też kwestię pandemii i jej społeczno-ekonomiczne skutki. Następnie opracowanie to prezentuje wyniki badań na temat zachowań konsumentów w dobie pandemii, by ostatecznie dokonać analizy wpływu zachowań konsumenckich na środowisko w tym okresie.
The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed the world as we know it. People are living differently, buying differently and in many ways, thinking differently. This study takes the lead of research by trying to answer the following research question:  How does the coronavirus impact consumer behaviour in the ecological context? The paper begins with a presentation of the concept of consumer behaviour, its theoretical background and definition, and then discusses the question of the pandemic and its socio – economic effects on the consumer. Next, the paper presents a study on consumer behaviour in the era of the pandemic. Finally, it analyses the impact of consumer behaviour in the era of the pandemic on the environment.








Physical description





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