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2021 | 6 | 1 | 19-27

Article title

The relationship of marketing communication and customer behaviour in the online store industry


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Motivation: The article fills a crucial gap in the literature in the realm of investigating and understanding customer behaviour in the digital environment. Research in the field of ever-shifting digital marketing communication is fundamental. Aim: The key purpose of the research paper is to investigate the relationship between the frequency of seeing marketing messages by respondents and their market behaviour. Materials and methods: Various approaches to online marketing communication and descriptions of consumer behaviour were analysed in the theoretical framework of the article. The goal mentioned above was achieved through the survey conducted in 2020 on the sample of 461 respondents who had access to the Internet. Data were collected using a Google Form, and then the empirical data were analysed using Spearman?s correlation coefficient in Microsoft Excel application. The research involved observing the online marketing communication carried out by the surveyed entities in addition to mentioned methods. Results: The findings prove that the frequency of seeing marketing content by respondents has an impact on the Spontaneous Brand Awareness Rate, the Aided Brand Awareness Rate, the frequency of store website visits, the propensity to repurchase, and online store reviews. There is a strong relationship between the quantity and the variety of online marketing messages broadcasted by an online store and the engagement of customers in the digital activity of the online store. The research will help entrepreneurs develop future online marketing communication strategies and indicate the development of online communication toolkits. The research paper confirms the importance of maintaining a relationship with customers who shop online.









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  • Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń


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