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2018 | 9 | 3 | 493-509

Article title

Relationship between corporate image and corporate reputation in Polish banking sector



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Research background: Corporate reputation and image are two valuable intangible resources of the company, aimed at building its long-term competitive advantage and market value. Although reputation and image are interrelated categories, they should not be identified with each other. The differences are not only in the definition and the character, but also in the mechanism of formation and tools to create these resources by the company. Image is a picture, perceptions and associations about the company in the minds of consumers, which may be created using the tools of PR and advertising in a relatively short period of time. Reputation is a review of the company and its activities, formulated by various stakeholder groups, on the basis of not only advertising, but also on the basis of the assessment of real activities of companies in the long term. Purpose of the article: The cognitive objective of the article is to point out the fundamental differences between reputation and image on the basis of the analysis of approaches and theoretical concepts. The practical objective is to make an attempt to identify the differences and relationships between reputation and image on the basis of empirical analysis, therefore the research was conducted in the Polish banking sector. Methods: In order to evaluate image and reputation, the survey method was used aimed at the customers of banks operating on the Polish market. Findings & Value added: Reputation and image are two separate, intangible assets that support each other and the company needs each of them to build its competitive advantage. The results of empirical study allowed formulating the thesis that the banks, whose reputation is rated better by the customers, also have a better and more coherent image in their minds.








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  • Silesian University of Technology


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