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2022 | 26 | 1 | 52-62

Article title

Source-driven data model for geohistorical records' editing: a case study of the works of Karol Perthées


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The aim of the paper is to propose a data model for editing historical records using the example of Karol Perthées' works from the late 18th century. These consist of cartographic sketches, elaborated on the basis of parochial questionnaires and the maps of palatinates of the Crown , which are at a scale of 1:225,000. The model links the advantages of direct source data representation with scalability and flexibility features, which provide analytical possibilities. The sketches are indexed using the INDXR application and the structure of the model reflects the structure of the source. The maps were analyzed in a GIS environment, but no georeferencing was performed. The data collected separately as symbols and annotations were treated independently and were linked via features. The model is illustrated by a preliminary study of materials covering the area of the Zemborzyce parish near Lublin.








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  • Institute of History, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
  • Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland


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