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2021 | 40 | 1 | 39-49

Article title

Modelling the structure of terrestrial landscapes in urban areas


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The study of internal and external factors in the formation of an urban geosystem is determined by its complex structure and multiple connections. Based on geoinformation modelling, an analysis of the landscape structure of the city territory is carried out, which can be a basis for further geoecological research. Morphometric indicators, which make it possible to determine the elementary geochemical landscapes, are indicated according to the data of the digital elevation model. A standardised topographic position index (TPI) is used to determine locations. Spatial zoning according to the type of land use reflects the qualitative features of the external load and technogenic impact. The data on the composition of the lithogenic base show the properties of the depositing medium and determine the natural background. Number of categories of landscapes identified are 58, characterised by a homogeneous geological composition, technogenic load and conditions for the migration of matter. The ratios of various landscape zones have been calculated. The study area as a whole is characterised by the predominance of migration processes over accumulation.








Physical description




  • Institute of Geology, Karelian Research Center, Petrozavodsk, Russia


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