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2021 | 11 | 129-149

Article title

How to support working family carers? British initiatives as a practical means to reduce loneliness in everyday life of family caregivers in Poland


Title variants

Jak wspierać pracujących opiekunów rodzinnych? Brytyjskie inicjatywy jako praktyczne sposoby na zmniejszenie samotności w codziennym życiu opiekunów rodzinnych w Polsce

Languages of publication


Among various publications regarding end-of-life care in Poland there is one piece of important research that shows a difficult situation for family caregivers in end-of-life care in Poland, who often lack recognition and support and face a lonely struggle, especially in home care settings (Janowicz, 2019a). The Polish Government published documents in support of family caregivers for the first time in 2019, recognizing respite care and allocating money to some of them. Poland has successfully implemented British standards of hospice and palliative care, making it the best in Central-Eastern Europe; the same could be done in supporting carers in family settings (Krakowiak, 2020a). We have already learnt and benefited from the experience of the British organisation Carers UK, who have been operating successfully for more than 50 years and working towards inclusion of formal and informal care (Klimek, 2020). But how can we move forward in helping those who face loneliness and feelings of helplessness as family carers? We can learn from those who have already developed tools and created strategies supporting family caregivers. Exploring the educational strategies of supporting organizations from the UK, will help to point towards possible solutions to this social and educational challenge in Poland, helping to reduce the loneliness of carers in the home care settings. Most families still feel isolated, while most of our local communities do not support those who care, often for many months and years. Social educators and social workers need to tackle the questions of loneliness and isolation that many family caregivers face. First steps have been made and first publications issued, but more robust strategies and practical solutions are needed. Newest facts and figures from Carers UK documents and Best Practice In Supporting Carers by Carer Positive Employer in Scotland (2020) will help to show existing strategies used for and by employers. Among many existing initiatives this one regarding combining care and work could be very important to recognise the needs of working carers, sharing their job with the duty of constant care at home. Action is urgently needed in Poland, where many people do a full-time job alongside caring at home. Recognition of family carers’ needs by their workplace, support from employers and flexibility in working hours is still a rare exception, and it should be changed. The Covid-19 pandemic has fully exposed the problems of carers of dependent people around the world and also in Poland, especially difficult for those who combine care with work.







Physical description




  • Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku, Wydział Finansów i Zarządzania
  • Fundacja Hospicyjna, Gdańsk
  • Fundacja Hospicyjna, Gdańsk
  • Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Wydział Nauk Pedagogicznych


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