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2021 | 54 (2/2021) | 46-61

Article title

Ukrainian Women Migrants in Poland During COVID-19: New Twists to Old Problems


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The article considers the role of the third sector in addressing the impact of COVID-19 on Ukrainian women migrants in Poland. Based on research amongst Ukrainian women in Poland, the article argues that the primary effects of the pandemic have been to intensify existing problems in a number of spheres, and to illustrate that it is the interconnection between these spheres that constitutes the unique experience of migrant women. In this context, we argue that there is a need for third sector projects that address the experiences of migrant women during Covid and that the perspectives of Ukrainian women need to be incorporated in wider debates and actions regarding post-pandemic Polish society. The article reflects on how this can be achieved.





Physical description




  • European Humanities University, Vilnius
  • Foundation ‘Our Choice’ / Institut of Philosophy and Sociology of Polish Academy of Sciences


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