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2023 | Vol. 57-58, No. 1-2 | 39-54

Article title

Crisis Communication During the Covid-19 Pandemic


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Crisis communication is an important element in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. It allows for efficient exchange of information between the government and society. The crisis situation caused by Sars-CoV-2 has a negative impact on human life and health as well as on the information environment. Institutions and specially appointed teams responsible for providing information are obliged to provide reliable information based on expert knowledge. A dangerous phenomenon is disinformation, which, combined with the pandemic, may cause an increase in the crisis situation and the risks associated with it. Crisis communication based on principles and goals will lead to overcoming the effect of panic, fear and ignorance among the public. The aim of the article is to present the methods of crisis communication during the Covid-19 pandemic. In order to draw conclusions about the researched problem, the method of analysis of sources conducted with the technique of desk research secondary data analysis was used. Existing materials, including developed reports and summaries, were analysed.




Physical description




  • General Tadeusz Kościuszko Military University of Land Forces in Wroclaw, Poland
  • General Tadeusz Kościuszko Military University of Land Forces in Wroclaw, Poland


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