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2023 | 2(74) | 67-88

Article title

Zrównoważone banki? Czynniki ESG w unijnych regulacjach mikroostrożnościowych


Title variants

Sustainable banks? ESG factors in EU’s microprudential regulations

Languages of publication


The financial sector is highly affected by the spectre of climate change and other sustainability-related factors, as recognised by various global and EU policies. The 2015 Paris Agreement enshrines the signatories’ goal to make “finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development.” The European Union, since the European Commission’s 2018 Sustainable Finance Action Plan, has introduced an array of regulations intended to facilitate private investment in transition as well as to include ESG risk management in the prudential regulation. The article tracks and analyses the latter interventions with view to assess their coherence and to identify the potential long-term effects, in the context of the persistent barriers to the development of the Polish sustainable finance sector.






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