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2018 | 2(58) | 29-44

Article title

Zasada godności ludzkiej w unijnym prawie pierwotnym i prawie pochodnym obejmującym przestrzeń wolności, bezpieczeństwa i sprawiedliwości


Title variants

The principle of human dignity in the primary and AFSJ secondary legislation of the European Union

Languages of publication


This article presents the normative status of the principle of human dignity in the law of the European Union. The issue is portrayed with reference to primary and secondary legislation of the EU. The first field of analysis was the Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights as primary sources of EU law. The examination of secondary law in the form of regulations, directives as well as soft law used to implement the policies regarding the area of freedom, security and justice was the subsequent stage. Having explored this, it was possible to formulate the thesis of this paper. It is believed that human dignity – as a principle of EU law – is a legally binding rule not only for the Member States but also for the third countries applying for EU membership. Human dignity is also one of the indivisible and universal values on which the European Union is founded.





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  • Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego


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