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2018 | 2(58) | 67-95

Article title

Immunitet państwa w prawie międzynarodowym w kontekście zbrodni wojennych i zbrodni przeciwko ludzkości


Title variants

State immunity in international law in the context of war crimes and crimes against humanity

Languages of publication


State immunity is based on the principle of sovereign equality of all states which is one of the main principles of international legal order. Predominant jurisprudence of national courts as well as international courts and tribunals follows the position that in case when a claim is submitted in a court in the forum-state due to war crimes and crimes against humanity, a foreign state possesses state immunity which excludes jurisdiction of national courts. There is a strong tendency in international law to limit state immunity and exclude from its scope claims concerning the aforementioned crimes, in case they were committed on the forum-state’s territory). However the International Court of Justice assumed that the immunity is of a procedural nature and it has to be evaluated in each case on the day of adjudication. Hence, in future cases relating to war crimes and crimes against humanity may be considered in forum-state’s courts.





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  • Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu


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