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2020 | 1(65) | 239-253

Article title

Ocena zgodności z Konstytucją przepisów ustawy – Kodeks cywilny (problem retroaktywności uchwał)


Title variants

Assessment of conformity to the Constitution of provisions of the Civil Code (issues related to the retroactivity of resolutions)

Languages of publication


The subject of the assessment contained in the position of the Sejm before the Constitutional Tribunal are provisions of the Civil Code in relation to the doubts of a regional court, whether the application for a court enforcement clause for a bank enforcement title does not interrupt the limitation period for a claim covered by that title against a transferee who is not a bank. In the author’s opinion, the interpretation of the questioned provisions in the process of applying the law, and in particular the limitation of a retroactive effect of interpretation, is vested in courts and it is difficult to conclude that the assessment of the constitutionality of the questioned provisions by the Constitutional Tribunal determined the resolution of the case pending before the court that submitted the question of law. In view of the doubts regarding the admissibility of the question of law, the Sejm should request that the proceedings be discontinued.





Physical description




  • Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


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Document Type

Publication order reference


Biblioteka Nauki

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