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2021 | 1(69) | 83-90

Article title

Ocena zgodności z Konstytucją RP poselskiego projektu ustawy o równości małżeńskiej



Title variants

Assessment of compliance with the Constitution of the Deputies’ Bill on Marital Equality

Languages of publication


The bill provides for the introduction of regulations allowing same-sex marriages. In the author’s opinion, it is inconsistent with the provision of the Polish Constitution, in which the legislator decided that marriage is a relationship between a woman and a man. The presented interpretation of Article 18 of the Constitution is confirmed, inter alia, by the course of the work of the Constitutional Committee of the National Assembly, which shows that the intention of the legislator was to exclude the admissibility of introducing a regulation providing for the possibility of marriage by persons of the same sex.







Physical description




  • Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Analiz Sejmowych


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