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2022 | 4(76) | 125-148

Article title

Ocena propozycji nowelizacji Kodeksu karnego i Kodeksu postępowania karnego


Title variants

Assessment of the proposal to amend the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure

Languages of publication


The author assesses a draft amendment, which, in the opinion of its sponsor, assumes an improvement of the substantive and legislative level of the legal acts in question. In the view of the author of the opinion, some of the proposed amendments to the Criminal Code raise doubts and may cause a limitation of the hitherto judicial discretion and penal reaction of the court. Amendments to the statutory definitions set forth in the Criminal Code may also translate into depenalization of certain types of criminal offences. With regard to the amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure, the author assesses that allowing the appointment of a court-appointed attorney in the application of consensual procedures may improve the actions undertaken in consensual proceedings and ensure that the interests of the suspect are properly represented.





Physical description





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