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2019 | 9 | 4 | 739-748

Article title

Ewangelia Łukasza w kluczu narracyjnym. Pierwszy z dwóch hermeneutycznie zależnych aktów


Title variants

The Gospel of Luke as a Narrative. The First of Two Hermeneutically Dependent Acts

Languages of publication


The paper is a review of the two-volume-work of Michael Wolter. English version of his commentary is a valuable work directed to biblical scholars as well as students and wider groups of readers. The analysis focuses especially on the introduction: i.e. the concept of the commentary, its general structure, both author’s and reader’s identity, as well as the theological vision of the Lukan work. The formal feature of the commentary is also evaluated. The last part of the paper gives few examples of Wolter’s approach toward particular pericopes along with some critical observations concerning minor deficiencies or disputable solutions.   








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  • Instytut Nauk Biblijnych, Wydział Teologii, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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