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2022 | 82 | 31-52

Article title

‘Upper’ Mereology of Human Soul and Salvation according to Hermias of Alexandria



Title variants

„Wyższa” mereologia duszy ludzkiej i zbawienia według Hermiasza z Aleksandrii

Languages of publication


With my article, I try to show how the Neoplatonist Hermias of Alexandria (c. 410-455 AD) elaborated on Plato’s arguments on the immortality of the human soul in order to forge a coherent psychological and ontological system which is in tune with a precise ethics of salvation. In the final Appendix, I propose that these doctrines of the soul were not just erudite theories but turned out to be an actual and effective tool for coping with the threatening moments of the everyday life (notably for coping with the loss of the beloved ones and for facing death).







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  • University of Salerno (Italy) and Sorbonne Université (France)


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