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2022 | 26 | 4 | 177-198

Article title

Explaining Finnish Economic and Social Success - And Happiness


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This article explores the reasons behind the high economic and social rankings for Finland. It also reflects on why Finland is considered the “happiest” country in the world (according to a World Happiness Report). Using empirical data from two studies - an article comparing high-andlow-tax countries, and the aforementioned recent World Happiness Report - it compares Finland with its Nordic neighbours and other Western, especially Anglo-American, countries. The essay outlines a so-called “Finnish model' and looks for the roots of this model. Comparing measures in several dimensions - effort, culture, institutions, and economic and social outcomes - the essay tries to find characteristics that are particular for Finland. Education, innovation, and economic security, as well as trust, gender equality, resilient conflict solutions, and geo-historical luck, are crucial to Finland's success. Three notable Germans - Luther, Hegel, and Marx - have influenced Finnish culture and society in different ways. Is Finland the country that comes closest to the ideal - “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” (Marx, 1875).








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