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2022 | 15 | 117-126

Article title

Językoznawstwo antropologiczne we współcześnie prowadzonych badaniach nad językiem i kulturą


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The idea for this text was dictated by the need to develop a comprehensive taxonomy of Language Anthropology, and in particular the place occupied by Anthropological Linguistics in this classification. The first extensive attempts to determine the exact place that Anthropological Linguistics occupies in this taxonomy were presented over a decade ago (Chruszczewski 2010, 2011), and they were later developed and modified (Chruszczewski 2018). The present classification of Anthropological Linguistics is based upon the current state of knowledge and above all on research undertaken in numerous scientific centers around the world where it is obvious that language is an integral part of human culture and it is recognized that both of the phenomena influence each other and that the most reliable results can be obtained by studying language and culture simultaneously. It goes without saying that scholars are thinking, hard-working and creative beings. Therefore, the increase and updating of knowledge, including research fields and disciplines, is very large and takes place very quickly. Many working research ideas from not so far ago are already recognized and autonomous scientific disciplines. Hence, I share the opinion of those researchers who believe that from time to time it is necessary to modernize, re-describe and explain anew the classification of the disciplines in which we work, so that the readers of our works can see how we ourselves understand the discipline of our core research. On the one hand the following classification of Anthropological Linguistics can be seen as exactly this kind of explanation of how the author of the paper understands this research field, and on the other hand it can be seen also as an open invitation for discussion.






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