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2022 | Special Issue | 18 | 141-155

Article title

Artistic Conceptualization of Power in William Wordsworth’s Poetry


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This article discusses the specificity of poetic conceptualization of power in the poetry of William Wordsworth. The focus is on the diversity of textual images of a human being in general, such as an individual or collective subject, and on the philosophical concepts of human life and destiny positioned by the authors in the centre of artistic reflection synthesizing the appropriate social pragmatics. The research is based on the cognitive-discursive approach and proceeds from the scientific ideas about the dynamics of correlation between the cultural-historical paradigm and artistic thinking, the cognitive power of artistic image and artistic text as a linguistic sign of national culture. It involves the integration of research tools of linguistic and cognitive stylistics, cultural and literary studies, which builds a vector of analysis from the concept of power as a social phenomenon to its embodiment, explicit and implicit, at different levels of textual matter.







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  • Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Applied Linguistics, Ukraine


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