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2022 | 168 | 34-56

Article title

„Kreszany”, czyli o testowaniu starych/nowych epistemologii napływających ze Wschodu



Title variants

‘Kreshany’, or on the testing of old/new epistemologies emerging from the East.

Languages of publication


The article deals with speculative creative practices aimed at restoring the importance of Slavic mythology with its strongly defined matriarchal tradition. As the author understands it, these practices undertaken by Ukrainian artists are interventionist and political in nature, aiming to create a feasible utopia in the region of Central and Eastern Europe thanks to which people would be able to better cope with the contemporary challenges. While analysing the play Kreshany directed by Olena Apchel from the Zagłębie Theatre in Sosnowiec, the author wonders what Central and Eastern Europe would have looked like if it had not adopted Christianity at the end of the 10th century AD, or if the tradition of Greco-Roman mythology, typical of the Western world, had been reinterpreted in the key of East Slavic beliefs. In the author’s understanding, the speculative visions of the past sketched in such a way serve the function of decolonial thinking aimed at counteracting the phenomenon of epistemicide (as understood by B. de Sousa Santos) while at the same time showing the benefits of relational cognition based on compassionate thinking.






Physical description




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Publication order reference


Biblioteka Nauki

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