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2022 | 172 | 7-34

Article title

„Bez wiedzy i rozmowy czuliśmy się jak w horrorze”. Koordynacja intymności w teatrze i szkole teatralnej


Title variants

“Without knowing or talking, we felt like we were in a horror movie.” Coordinating intimacy in theatre and drama school

Languages of publication


The aim of the paper is to present intimacy coordination, a discipline that is dynamically developing in Poland. The content has been divided into three parts. The first part presents the most important principles of intimacy coordination, the basic concepts related to it and its history in the United States and Poland. The second part describes the workshops for acting students which are conducted by the intimacy coordinator Kaja Wesołek-Podziemska at The Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theatre Academy in Warsaw. The third is an attempt to reflect on the importance of including elements of intimacy coordination in the process of educating actors and actresses.






Physical description




  • Akademia Teatralna im. Aleksandra Zelwerowicza w Warszawie


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