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2023 | 174 | 6-43

Article title

Feedback: próba zmapowania zjawiska. Część pierwsza: Fragmenty teorii feedbacku



Title variants

Feedback: an attempt to map the phenomenon

Languages of publication


The article is an attempt to organise the knowledge about the theory and practice of feedback and to indicate it as a tool to support, organise and discipline the process of creative work and artistic education. The author embeds her reflections on feedback in two contexts. One is that of interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of psychology, sociology, education, and the theory and practice of business; the other is that of lived knowledge resulting from following the path of university and artistic education in Poland. Referring to her own work and the experiences of other creators, she constructs an open selection of her own reflections, recommendations and directions for the development of feedback, both in the perspectives of Polish theatre pedagogy and individual artistic practice.






Physical description






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Biblioteka Nauki

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