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2023 | 2(14) | 85-100

Article title

Artificial Intelligence: opportunities and concerns in the era of Big Data. Ethical and practical issues with decision-making and Generative AI in the era of ChatGPT



Title variants

Sztuczna inteligencja: możliwości i obawy w erze Big Data. Etyczne i praktyczne kwestie związane z podejmowaniem decyzji i generatywną sztuczną inteligencją w erze ChatGPT

Languages of publication


Artificial Intelligence has made impressive progress in the past few decades, and, especially in the last couple of years, so many different systems able to simulate human response in a very realistic and coherent way have been made available to the general public. This has opened the road to new possibilities for the use of AI in a variety of contexts, starting from the use of generative AI to the shortening of otherwise long working tasks (such as programming). However, it also created unforeseen issues that have yet to be addressed, since there is a lack of legal and ethical guidelines for the use of these new AI tools. This article analyses some of the most controversial applications of these new AI systems, highlighting both problems and ethical concerns, as well as the possible ways in which they can be dealt with in the future.






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