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2023 | 2(14) | 125-133

Article title

Kryzys klimatyczny, katastrofy naturalne, kobiety


Title variants

Climat crisis, natural disasters, women

Languages of publication


Climate change affects all people, regardless of their place of residence, class, skin color or gender. However, some communities are more vulnerable than others to the effects of the climate catastrophe. These groups are often marginalized, discriminated against and underrepresented. Women constitute one such social group. The article shows that they are disproportionately affected by one of the consequences of climate change, which is the more frequent occurrence of extreme weather events that can lead to natural disasters like floods or hurricanes. The purpose of the article is to show that women’s unequal economic status, as well as some cultural norms in certain regions of the world, increase women’s mortality during natural disasters.






Physical description




  • Akademia Marynarki Wojennej


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Biblioteka Nauki

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