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2023 | 3(15) | 71-87

Article title

Samorządność i samorząd w praktykach społeczno-politycznych i eklezjalnych


Title variants

Self-governance and self-government in the practices of socio-political and ecclesial

Languages of publication


The subject of this article is self-government and self-governance in socio-political and ecclesial practices. In addition, it covers the content behind these concepts, the interrelationships that occur between them, as well as the factors that influence their formation and realization. The authors in the first part point out selected contexts of self-governance and local government in contemporary socio-political practices, while in the second part, they point out selected contexts of ecclesial collegiality and synodality in contemporary Catholicism. Within the framework of the article, self-governance and the forms of self-government presented are recognized as a value in themselves and a significant element through which there is an independent and therefore real influence on the representation of their interests and the resolution of issues by those concerned themselves. In addition, they serve to build a sense of socio-political and religious cohesion and integration. Therefore, both issues are socially, politically and religiously important, which in a way is due to the concern for their need, implementation and proper development. Hence, in the modern world, both in socio-political and ecclesiastical practices, self-government and self-governance play man important role because they mean independence and freedom of action from interference from other authority, especially state authority, and freedom of decision-making in various aspects. 






Physical description




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  • Akademia Marynarki Wojennej


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