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2021 | 12 | 38 |

Article title

Authoritarian Leadership, Conflicts and Economic Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa


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RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The goal of the paper is to analyze how the authoritarian leadership could impact economic performance in the region of Sub-Saharan Africa in the post-colonial period until currently. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: Authoritarian leadership and power abuse led to a number of armed conflicts in the region since its formal independence. This may be accounted as one of the reasons, for which the region lags in terms of economic development compared to developed countries. The research comprises of qualitative and quantitative methods, including comparative analysis, basic statistics, and correlations. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: First, the literature review was conducted with the application of comparative and system analysis. Next, based on the available World Value Survey and Global Governance Indicators data, empirical analysis of the power indicators and economic growth relations in sub-Saharan Africa was performed. The results are discussed in the context of the ideas anchored in the theory of public choice and new institutional economics. RESEARCH RESULTS: The results indicate the existence of a power paradox, which burdens development of the region, people rely on strong leaders despite the fact that strong leadership leads to power abuse and economic crises. The attitudes to politics, democracy and trust are particular for the region and may be related with this problem. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The lack of control mechanisms over the exercise of public authority in politically unstable Sub-Saharan African countries contributes to the consolidation of unfavorable attitudes and the abuse of power by privileged position by political leaders. The focus should be placed on reinforcement of institutional capacities and accountability for power abuse.






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  • Poznan University of Economics and Business
  • Université du CEPROMAD, Institut de Gestion et de Développement Economique (IGDE), Brazzaville, Congo, Kinshasa, RDC


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