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2020 | LV | 71-90

Article title

A Roman Age Barbarian elite warrior grave from Csengersima


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This is a preliminary publication of a warrior barrow grave with local cremation found in Csengersima (North-Eastern Hungary). From the point of view of the burial rite, it can be – in many regards – connected to certain barrow graves of the Przeworsk culture, and also to the barrow graves of the Early Roman Age found in the Upper Tisza Region (Slovakia and Transcarpathian area of Ukraine). Most of the objects find analogies in the Przeworsk culture. The unique find of the Csengersima grave is a combined chain-scale armour with scales leafed with gold.






Physical description




  • Jósa András Museum, Hungary
  • University of Szeged, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology, Hungary


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