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2020 | 3(46) | 41-53

Article title

Mieczysław Wajnberg a kategoria pogranicza


Title variants

Mieczysław Weinberg and the Category of Borderland

Languages of publication


Polish musicologist and author Danuta Gwizdalanka, titled her publication Mieczysław Wajnberg: Composer from Three Worlds (Poznań, 2013). Wajnberg (1919–1996) was a Polish composer with Jewish roots who spent most of his life in USSR. Without any doubt, Wajnberg can be named “the composer from the borderland” due to his “hybrid identity”, which was one of the most important reasons preventing appreciation of Wajnberg’s creative activity both during life and after death. The main ideas of the paper are focused on the “category of borderland” and its representation in Wajnberg’s biography and output. According to the typology proposed by Krzysztof Zajas, Wajnberg’s live and works can be considered in the frame of following types of borderland: interdisciplinary, spatial, psychological, existential, sociological and mythological. Through the prism of “borderland’s category”, Wajnberg’s creative activity shows itself as a very individual and invaluable testimony of his times (far away from eclectic and epigonic in relation to music of Dmitri Shostakovich), unique on the scale of world music literature.





Physical description




  • Akademia Muzyczna im. K. Szymanowskiego w Katowicach


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  • Zajas K., Widnokresy literatury, w: Na pograniczach literatury, red. J. Fazan, K. Zajas, Biblioteka Literatury Pogranicza, t. 21, seria pod red. A. Romanowskiego, Kraków 2012.
  • Bishop V., Letters from my Father, spotkanie z córką kompozytora w ramach Międzynarodowej Konferencji Mieczysław Weinberg:Between East and West, organizowanej przez D. Fanninga oraz M. Assay, Martin Harris Centre for Music and Drama, University of Manchester, Manchester 2019 [materiał niepublikowany].
  • Persson T., Weinberg's last years, wystąpienie podczas Międzynarodowej Konferencji Mieczysław Weinberg: Between East and West, organizowanej przez D. Fanninga oraz M. Assay, Martin Harris Centre for Music and Drama, University of Manchester, Manchester 2019 [materiał niepublikowany].

Document Type

Publication order reference


Biblioteka Nauki

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