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2022 | (30) | 1 | 25-34

Article title

Regulation of international space law to promote economic and social development


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The objective of the article is to evaluate the role of the regulation of international space law for the realization of international economic and social development. Aiming for that, a logical-deductive methodology was used, through bibliographic research to map relevant issues about the spatial infrastructure and the current understanding of social economic development. In this sense, the study was carried out through its development in three parts: first the mapping of international space law to demonstrate the progress of investments and activities that are carried out around the space infrastructure; in a second step, the interaction between economic and social development and brief economic discussions about the market and state action are analyzed; finally, it deals with the importance of regulation on space exploration as a promotion mechanism for international economic and social development. It was concluded that there are private and public actors in this exploratory market and their actions must occur together, as they often occur within countries, aiming to promote economic development as freedom, and that the State’s action must be guided by the regulation of space infrastructure; this regulation must aim at economic and social development in a way that is compatible with Amartya Sen’s theory.







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  • Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Brazil
  • Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Brazil


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Biblioteka Nauki

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