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2022 | (30) | 1 | 141-148

Article title

The mandatory presence of the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the hearing of the criminal investigation in face of the new law of the anticrime package and the need for revision of brazilian jurisprudence – prohibition of ex officio production of evidence by the magistrate


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Brazil has been going through a great change in its Legislative scenario, bringing several incorporations in the fields of law where the validity of Law n. Law no. 13,964/19 brought changes to the Penal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure and Criminal Execution Law. The Brazilian Criminal Procedure is governed by the Accusatory System and, through this article, we sought to better analyze an application of the aforementioned Law as a way to ratify the system adopted in the Brazilian criminal procedure, the accusatory, as well as to bring the view of the need for readjustment, by the Brazilian courts, with regard to the production of evidence by the Magistrate without the participation of the representative of the Public Ministry in the criminal instruction hearings, thus corroborating the understanding that the participation of the Members of the Public Ministry in the hearings is essential. This systematic study sought a brief improvement in the systems that govern criminal proceedings, as well as focusing on the application of the sources of Law within criminal proceedings, with the Law being the immediate source and, as such, it should take precedence over the sources secondary, such as jurisprudence, for example, make it clear that the Public Prosecutor’s Office is an essential body to the provision of jurisdiction, acting in a plicit manner, that is, acting not only as an Accuser in Criminal Actions, but also as an inspector of the body of law in any action that intervenes, including public.







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  • University of Minho, Portugal
  • UniAmérica University Center/Brasil


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