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2022 | (30) | 1 | 149-157

Article title

Access to information for a transparent ombudsman’s office as a form of human right to fight corruption


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The Ombudsman’s Office of public bodies constitutes a strategic and democratic space for communication between the citizen and this Government Institution, aiming at strengthening the mechanisms of social participation. It is essential for its consolidation that the citizen has a space to request information, register suggestions, praise, complaints and denunciations, obtaining an agile and resolute response to his manifestation. For that, it is necessary to improve an Ombudsman with the concept of participative management and democratization of information, which provides an effective service, capable of seeking the solution of the manifestations. In addition, these manifestations must be organized in management reports aimed at informing and subsidizing the managers of public agencies, serving as an instrument for positive changes in the course of the Audits. This article aims to implement proactive actions in order to foster Social Control, through the participation of society and encouraging the exercise of citizenship. In order to carry out this investigation, it was necessary to apply the dogmatic method, as the hermeneutics of the normative texts recommends, but also the need for doctrine and transversality was necessary, since it is an interdisciplinary theme with a high political and sociological content, everything basked by a tradition of egalitarian rationalist thinking and based on international human rights hermeneutics. In conclusion, we identified that the Ombudsman’s Office aims to improve the exercise of Social Control and be another effective tool for institutional management and transformation. Its main task is to promote a dialogue between the public institution and society. For this to happen, citizen participation is essential, representing a strong allied body for the realization of significant changes in Public Administration, which fundamentally cares for the public interest.







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  • Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil
  • Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brasil


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