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2023 | 32 | 4 | 171-196

Article title

"Nakazał zbudować sobie dom, by w nim odbywały się uroczystości zaślubin". Absalona ze Sprinckirsbach kazanie XL na poświęcenie kościoła - przekład i komentarz


Title variants

"He ordered a house to be built for himself so that the nuptial ceremonies would be held there". Absalon of Sprinckirsbach’s sermon XL for the consecration of the church – Polish translation and commentary

Languages of publication


The Polish reader is hereby presented with a translation of the third of four sermons by Absalon of Sprinckirsbach (died 1205), an author belonging to the Victorine circle, on the consecration of the church. The translation is accompanied by several commentaries in the form of footnotes. The Latin text of the work, which is currently only available in a non-critical version in the Latin patrology, has also been added so that the proposed translation can be easily compared with the original. The submitted publication is part of a wider project. As part of this project, two texts have so far been submitted for publication, namely translations of Absalon’s sermons XXXVIII and XXXIX intended for the day of the dedication of the temple.








Physical description




  • Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
  • Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


  • Źródła
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  • Opracowania
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