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2024 | 33 | 1 | 195-212

Article title

Pochówek ciał i przechowywanie prochów wiernych zmarłych. Aspekt kanoniczno-liturgiczny



Title variants

Burial of bodies and keeping the ashes of the faithful departed. The canonical-liturgical aspekt

Languages of publication


The purpose of this paper is to present the problem of the burial of bodies and the storage of ashes of the faithful departed in the canonical-liturgical aspect. The Church demands respect for human bodies and ashes. The first part of the article presents the burial of corpses in the ground as an ordinary and basic form of Christian burial. The second part presents the problem of cremation as an acceptable way of burying the bodies of the faithful departed, while the second part discusses the question of the place of burial of the bodies and storing the ashes of the faithful departed.


body   cremation   burial   ashes   cemeter  








Physical description




  • Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Radomiu


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