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2020 | 2 | 9 | 41-71

Article title

O związku między istościami a świadomością i jaźnią



Title variants

How Ities Relate to Concsciousness and the Self?

Languages of publication


The third in a series of texts printed in “Rocznik Tomistyczny” (the former two are Albert Mitterer’s and Tadeusz Wojciechowski’s Concepts of the Interdependence of Matter and Motion, RT 6/2017 and The Metaphysical Consequences of the Concepts of Matter and Motion in Contemporary Physics, RT 7/2018) this article gives the crowning touch to the theory of dynamo-energetic duality of being. Applying the method of transcendental analogy, it reveals how human mind – cognizing matter-motion, as well as vegetative, sensitive and rational beings – comes to the conclusion that there are one consciousness and three selves in the Prime Being – the counterpart of triune God of the Catholic doctrine.








Physical description




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