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2020 | 2 | 9 | 173-185

Article title

Zdroworozsądkowe poznanie w praktyce edukacji ekologicznej Kościoła katolickiego



Title variants

Common sense cognition in the practice of environmental education of the Catholic Church

Languages of publication


The issue of common-sense cognition is an important source of knowledge from the point of view of environmental protection issues. Such cognition allows for a proper, distortion-free assessment of the current state of the social and natural environment, and consequently orientates man to take preventive and protective measures in those areas that require such undertakings. The article presents holistic issues related to the urgent need to cover the social and natural space with protective measures, which are reflected in the practice of the educational mission of the Catholic Church together with their associations and charitable organizations. The aforementioned mission is related to the humanistic reflection on the environmental crisis and constitutes a practical and educational platform. Both activities of Christian communities use data taken from common-sense cognition, which is a valuable tool in obtaining and determining reliable information.








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