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2022 | 1 | 247-264

Article title

The peculiarities of Space State Information Policy


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The purpose of the article is to establish and research the features of space state information policy, which requires the following research tasks to be revealed: to determine the place and role of information policy in the structure of state policy and to establish the dependence of the state's information policy on the development of the space industry and to determine the features of the information policy of the USA as a space state. The USA forms its information policy based on knowledge of the use of advanced technologies, including information technologies, in the space industry. Knowing about the threats of their use, the state warns the population by regulating information activities. Therefore, the information policy of a space state is more developed than that of non-space states. An analysis of the relationship between the state of information policy and the state of the US space industry indicates that the development of one area aects the other. Therefore, in order to implement an eective information policy, both areas should be developed.






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  • National Aviation University, Kyiv (Ukraine)
  • National Aviation University, Kyiv (Ukraine)


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