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2023 | XIV(1(42)) | 197-221

Article title

The international evaluation of the digitally-supported pedagogical tool for promoting students' school well-being – a pilot study


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The paper evaluates a digitally-supported pedagogical tool for promoting well-being from the perspective of students (N=428) and teachers (N=43) from nine secondary schools in five European countries (Poland, Italy, Great Britain, Lithuania, Bulgaria). Each of the eight thematic modules (decision making, coping with anger and aggressiveness, conflict resolution, stress management, self-esteem and self-awareness, collaboration and teamwork skills, empathy, communication skills) included in the online educational training was evaluated. Students demonstrated high satisfaction with the tool; however, there were differences between modules (Self-esteem and Stress management were the most appreciated, Communication the least). The students’ assessment was influenced by age, gender and national differences, while the teachers’ evaluation of usefulness and sustainability was influenced by nationality. Digitally-supported school-based programs can promote well-being among adolescents; however, the interventions need to address differences between boys, girls and nationalities in order to be effective. Teachers, as an immanent part of school life, should be engaged in promoting health programs.





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  • Uniwersytet Łódzki
  • Uniwersytet Łódzki
  • Centro di Riferimento per le Scienze Comportamentali e Salute Mentale, Istituto Superiore di Sanità
  • Centro di Riferimento per le Scienze Comportamentali e Salute Mentale, Istituto Superiore di Sanità


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